War Memorial, Amritsar - Punjab Tourism

The project is named as ''Punjab State War Heroes Memorial & Museum''. Its attraction is 45 meters high Sword erected in the central vista of the museum having 8 galleries depicting the sacrifices and heroic deeds from the period of Guru Hargobind Singh Ji to the period of Maharaja Ranjit Singh and up to the till Kargil operations: 1. Gallery 1- Orientation and Antiquity. 2. Gallery 2- Guru Hargobind Ji till rise of Sikh Empire. 3. Gallery 3- The Sikh Empire And Anglo-Sikh Wars. 4. Gallery 4- British Rule up to Partition (1846-1947). 5. Gallery 5- J&K Ops 1947-48. 6. Gallery 6- Indo China War 1962. 7. Gallery 7- Indo-Pak Wars (1965-1971) and OP Pawan/OP Cactus. 8. Gallery 8- Kargil War 1999.